Let´s talk about poverty: seriously

Enviado por jogarcia el Mié, 02/11/2022 - 16:00

We have been capable of the improbable: multiplying the number of poor by fifteen in half a century. The assistance-based models failed. Harmful aid has prevailed and the results are visible: 134,825 have died due to child malnutrition during the last seven decades, 70% of the children under 17 years of age live in marginalization and only 50% of the students complete high school. The cemetery is full of people who waited for a progress that never arrived.

A better education is possible

Enviado por jogarcia el Mié, 02/11/2022 - 15:20

"Better education offers a hope of narrowing the gap between the most and least skilled workers, of defending against the prospect of a society divided between the rich and the poor, of a class society in which an educated elite supports a permanent class of unemployed" Milton Friedman, 1998. For many years now that education in Argentina is my obsession. The quote explains why. I would dare to add that a better education offers the hope of having a country less similar to today´s Argentina.

The liberal period in Guatemala (1871-1944)

Enviado por jogarcia el Mié, 02/11/2022 - 15:04

The liberal period in Guatemala was the historical moment in which Guatemala underwent a profound change, completely leaving colonial mentality, to insert itself in the modern world. The background and explanation of the principal changes that took place will be discussed. The talk will address the thesis of the liberal thinker Armando Ribas who in one of his works postulates the question of whether the West represents a moral program to be followed.

Presentation of book: Raíces del pensamiento económico argentino (Roots of Argentine economic thought)

Enviado por jogarcia el Mié, 02/11/2022 - 11:50

This book attempts to trace the roots of Argentine economic thought, ideas that in many cases arise with scientific revolutions and counterrevolutions originated in Europe, then imported to our lands. Historians and economists from different public and private universities of the country were summoned for the task, knowledgeable about the different schools or traditions of thought, who detailed the way in which the ideas penetrated Argentina and then developed and evolved.

Inflación en la Canasta del Profesional Ejecutivo en septiembre de 2022 | CEA

La inflación en la Canasta del Profesional Ejecutivo (CPE) fue de 5,2% en septiembre de 2022. En los últimos doce meses acumula un alza de 78,7%. En los primeros tres trimestres del año acumula una suba de 61,2% lo cual equivale a 88,9% si se anualiza.

El costo de la CPE en dólares  aumentó 3,1% contra agosto y se ubicó en US$2.811. Con relación a septiembre de 2021, la CPE en dólares escaló 10 %. En 2021 el costo en dólares de la CPE fue en promedio de US$2.500, mientras que, en 2020 el promedio fue US$2.565.

Destacados del mes

Marco di Giacomo

Marco Di Giacomo is a final year student of the Bachelor of Economics at the University of Buenos Aires. At this same university, he is currently an assistant in the courses "System of National Accounts", "History of Economic Thought I" and "History of Economic Thought II", where he performs correction tasks and imparts several classes.

Victoria Fernández

Victoria Fernandez is an advanced student of the Bachelor of Economics at the University of Buenos Aires. In that academic institution, she works as an assistant professor at Macroeconomics I, Macroeconomics II and Microeconomics II, where she helps in the process of creating practical guides and theoretical notes as well as dictating classes. She has collaborated on research projects for the National Congress. Her main interests are applied economics and econometrics.

Juan Martín Favetto

Juan is an economics undergraduate student who has been granted a scholarship at UCEMA. He is a native Spanish speaker and fluent in English. For the sole purpose of learning, he has worked in the private security and tourism industries. However, his interest in grass-root philosophical discussion has taken him to broadly study the Austrian School of Economics and the epistemological foundations of the science he practices.

Juan Martín Favetto

Juan es estudiante becado de la licenciatura en economía en UCEMA. Habla fluido inglés y es nativo en español. Con el solo fin de aprender, ha trabajado en la industria del turismo y la seguridad privada. No obstante, su interés por la discusión filosófica de base lo llevó a estudiar en profundidad la Escuela Austriaca de Economía y los fundamentos epistemológicos de la ciencia que practica. En virtud de ello, se ha convertido en miembro activo del Seminario Mises, quedando expuesto a un mayor nivel intelectual de debate.