The protection of Human Rights by the European Convention of Human Rights

Enviado por jogarcia el Lun, 09/11/2020 - 14:11

In this new edition of the Naumann Chair UCEMA, the guest will be the jurist Birgit Daiber who will present the fundamental aspects of the European Convention of Human Rights and the implications this instrument has for the quality of democracy, the protection of rights and the concrete exercise of freedoms.  As always, the Naumann Chair will be coordinated by Dr.

How does Uruguay work? Analysis of the political and economic system of the country.

Enviado por jogarcia el Vie, 09/10/2020 - 12:57

In this new edition of the Naumann Chair UCEMA , the guest will be the Uruguayan political scientist Pedro Permanyer Barragué who will speak about the main political, economic and socio-historical characteristics of the neighboring country that will help to explain its internal dynamics and its position in the region and the world.