Fourth edition of the Freedom Forum

Enviado por jogarcia el Mar, 19/10/2021 - 13:25

On October 19, 2021, the fourth session of the UCEMA Forum of Freedom will be held, a virtual space a virtual space designed for rotating groups of intellectuals to debate on diverse and transcendental issues, escaping from the classic juncture debate that prevents long-term thinking. The encounter will take place under the title “El uso de drogas alucinógenas para usos no medicinales” (The use of hallucinogenic drugs for non-medicinal uses).

Crowding Out

Columna Perspectivas del mes de octubre 2021. Esta sección del Centro de Economía Aplicada (CEA) de la UCEMA provee un análisis de destacados economistas con orientaciones y enfoques diferentes respecto de los problemas económicos de nuestro país y el mundo


Edgardo Zablotsky: Argentina, COVID-19 and Leviathan

Enviado por jogarcia el Mié, 29/09/2021 - 13:07

On September 29, Edgardo Zablotsky will speak about “Argentina, COVID-19 and Leviathan”. According to Zablotsky, “though Hobbes promoted the idea of an absolute ruler in the 17th century, his theory finds fertile ground for application in the current pandemic. It is clear that there is value in authority because it offers us protection; but nothing is free, to receive protection it is necessary to accept a certain degree of submission, of loss of our freedom. It is difficult to find a more extreme example of this fact than the one provided by Argentina.